By hands. For hands.
Our History

By hands. For hands.

Since 1896, Brusletto has created and been part of traditions and history, and now over 100 years later, we want to reflect a bit backward while also perhaps glimpsing into the future.


Just as the Brusletto brand has its story to tell, so too have our products created stories alongside their owners long after leaving the factory. Our knives have been on countless adventures in nature, in the mountains, forests, and waters, always ready to fulfill their purpose.


Over time, we have used our heads and hands to create products for both big and small moments, for people and occasions alike. We've been there for the first willow flute, the first hunting trip, the unforgettable fishing excursion, the Olympics in Lillehammer, and in the national bunad on Norway's Constitution Day. These moments evoke the good feelings in us and drive us to develop new products every day for all of you.


With nature as our greatest inspiration, we have put together some images and texts that speak to the essence of Brusletto and our mission. We celebrate the proud history we have and together, we'll create anew.

1. Gen Hallingen

With Campton steel

Well-used Trollegg knife

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