Malene's Brusletto Memory
Our History

Malene's Brusletto Memory

We have had a competition where our customers could share their best Brusletto story. We know there are many great hiking memories out there and we received lots of wonderful stories from our customers who have been using our products for generations. Here you can read the story of Malene Hopen, who had a delightful fishing experience as a child at Saltfjellet.

I was 14 years old and my dad and I hiked across Saltfjellet together. It was seven miles. The first day was a three-mile trek to Krukkistua, the first cabin where we would spend the night. We had heard about a small fishing lake that was a bit off the main path, about a kilometer away. We decided to hike there to try our luck. We fished for a while and suddenly I saw something moving in the water. I cast my lure and hit just a few meters from the movement (which never happens, but you need a bit of luck). The line jerked and then a big fish jumped out of the water, causing slack in the line, so I thought I didn't have a catch, but suddenly something pulled vigorously. It took me 20 minutes to land the trout, weighing 1.8 kg. It was a big deal for a 14-year-old. We became more eager when we realized we could catch big fish. I caught the trout on a lure I bought because it looked nice (at Eikersenteret in Hokksund), something my dad thought was completely idiotic and regretted now. He fished with two rods and tried all the lures he had in his tackle box, and guess who caught another fish? On the same lure, I reeled in a 2 kg char. After this, we kept fishing until 4 in the morning, but I got my lure stuck, perhaps it was an even bigger fish?? So, we chose to leave happily (at least one of us) for Krukkistua.

The extra kilometers were worth it. In the "morning," we sat outside around the campfire and fried the fish for breakfast. I remember well when we cut open the fish; the trout was completely red in the meat, while the char was completely white. The sun shone on the knife, and we enjoyed the fish in the campfire smell and breakfast almost without mosquitoes and horseflies (something that doesn't happen up north). Bamsen (my knife) has been on many mountain trips since I received it as a confirmation gift, but it is these days with good weather over Saltfjellet and that fishing experience that are strongest in my memory.

Ps: We incidentally wrote about the fish in the cabin book, but didn't reveal where we had fished, and we heard from my mom's aunt that there were rumors (when she was at the store in Rana) about a 14-year-old girl who caught a big fish in the mountains. EXCITING!

Regards, Malene (from the east, but half from the north)

We thank you so much for the great story that surely sparked outdoor interest. Malene has now received two kitchen knives from Brusletto, congratulations!

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